Portfolio Styles and Minimums
Our Privately & Individual Managed Portfolios
Below are portfolios ranging from low risk to highest risk. Details on each portfolio may be found on the respective pages.
The Power of Mapato Portfolio strategies available:
- Ultra conservative income only
- $500,000 and up
- Double Income with moderate growth
- $500,000 and up Mapato Income and Growth
- $50,000 to $500,000 Mapato Lite Income and Growth
- Growth with Dividend Income
- $50,000 and up
- Aggressive Long Term Growth
Definitions for
Financial Professionals
Money Manager, Registered Investment Advisor, Financial Advisor & Wealth Manager
Money Manager
Someone who actually manages the investments inside a portfolio such as the XYZ Mutual Fund, the ABC Hedge Fund or the Mapato Separate Account Portfolio.
Financial Advisor
Someone who may do all of #2 but does NOT have any fiduciary responsibility for their advice to you. They used to be called Stock Brokers.
One thing we always ask investors to do when a friend or a Financial advisor gives them advice is, Ask them, “If I take your advice are you willing to take responsibility if it doesn’t work out!” It really makes you think twice about advice given over cocktails, bridge or golf.
Registered Investment Advisor
Someone who actually takes fiduciary responsibility for their advice and implementation of your financial plan and investment strategy. Generally, they will incorporate one or more Money Managers.
Wealth Manager
Someone who should be looking at all aspects of your financial life and helping guide you through them from birth to death and beyond.
While we do this for some of our clients, we don’t hold ourselves out as a Wealth Mangers because we want to be sure we can provide good solid financial planning and money management to everyone. Wealth Management is most often for the wealthiest investors. If you do it right, the number of clients they would be able to serve would be very limited. It is our fear that many hold themselves out as Wealth Managers when all they really are is assets gatherers. The implementation and maintenance of your wealth management goes by the wayside while you are still paying for it.
Dennis and Dawn
Money Management Philosophy
Our Mission is to provide personalized money management solutions for those who want, “More income than bonds and growth with less risk than stocks.”