Put a Number on your Portfolio's Risk

Kinkead's Korner Text

You've probably received some sort of survey in your email recently ... you know the drill. Please tell us how satisfied you were from 1-10,with 10 being absolutely amazed with the service. How about portfolio risk? Well, you can put a number to your portfolio's risk by using a metric called "Beta".

Beta measures the sensitivity of your portfolio to market benchmarks like the S&P 500. For this comparison, the S&P 500 index is given a Beta of 1.00 as a baseline. Let's say that your growth mutual fund has a calculated Beta of 1.20. Compared to the S&P's of 1.00 there's a 0.20 difference implying that your portfolio is 20% more volatile (riskier) than the index. And a Beta of 0.80 implies a 20% less volatile portfolio.

Our Enhanced Dividend portfolio has a Beta of 0.62 implying much less risk than the S&P 500. Call me and let's calculate the Beta of your portfolio at (239) 261-4800.

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