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Do you fear
becoming a Bag Lady?

80% of women do. The fear of running out of money no matter how much they have or told that they will have enough, is real.

Ease that fear

The Fear

Women often have a fear of running out of money no matter how much they have or how often they are told they will have enough.  Why is this?

Women often have limited earning power. There are a few reasons why this is so:

  • Having to put careers on hold while they have children  
  • Becoming the caregivers for family members
  • Working spouses can limit either spouses ability to excel in their careers
  • Opportunities afforded to men often were not available to many women

Testimonials on


Muffy Clarke Gill

Client Since 1994

Muffy Clark Gill

Gary & Carolyn Greenfield

Joan Weinberger

Client Since 1993

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