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Clients & Friends of Naples Money Managers

Bob Cahners

Client Since 2015

Joan Weinberger

Client Since 1993

Gary & Carolyn Greenfield

Client Since 2002

Connect Your Concerns With Our Solutions

tailor measuring a man's suite.

Are you Looking for a Portfolio Tailored to Your Needs?

Whether you need growth, income or both.  NMM has a tailored portfolio that will meet both your financial needs and ability to handle risk.

Discover "The Power of Mapato”

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spending every penny of your paycheck
not spending every penny




$3 a day spent for a latte
over 30 years



$3 a day invested at 8%
over 30 years

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Start Early with Less
Start Late with More




Invests $2,000 a year
for 8 years



Invests $2,000 a year starting
9 years later

We’re here to help, Let us.

Talk to Us

Please feel free to contact us. We’re super happy to talk to you. Feel free to ask anything.

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Money Management

The Naples Money Managers offers money management in two different formats; Comprehensive Money Management & Selective Money Management.

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Financial Planning

Most of us would never think of taking a trip without a map and a destination in mind. Your financial plan is the road map to help smooth the journey to reach your financial destination.

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Annuity Management

For many, the management of the investments inside an annuity has gone unattended since its inception. The Naples Money Managers has an active department with years of experience dedicated to annuity management.

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The Newsroom

Video Podcasts, Articles, Kinkead's Korner and more.

May 22, 2023
Video Podcast
A weekly Video Podcast covering the news, finance and more.
May 15, 2023
Video Podcast
A weekly Video Podcast covering the news, finance and more.
May 10, 2023
Kinkead's Korner

Mothers are notorious multitaskers known for their ability to juggle a million things at once. Yet when it comes to money matters, multitasking might not be the best approach. In fact, it could be holding you back.

Just like multitasking can lead to stress and burnout, trying to manage yourinvestments without a clear strategy can lead to confusion and missed opportunities. Instead, seek out an Advisor with an actual strategy. By that, I mean an investment portfolio with mathematical parameters that deliver specific results ... otherwise, it's all a guess.

For a new mindset this Mother’s Day, check out the article "The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Multitasking" below, along with other financial news filled with information and inspiration for you this week. Feel free to share with friends and family.

And remember, I’m here for you! As always, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or updates to your plans.

Success in all your efforts,


John Kinkead